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Valeriy Antonyuk

Valeriy Antonyuk is an award-winning composer from the Ukraine whose work has been featured in hit TV shows on Syfy, Discovery ID, VH1, CBS, ABC, Outdoor Channel, and several other networks. He's also scored three TV Movies (Red Lotus, Bread Day, Snake), documentaries (Black Sea Navy), and numerous commercial campaigns. Writing in the Classical, Chamber, Rock, Electronic, and Dance genres, Valeriy's symphonic pieces have been recorded to the library of Ukrainian National Broadcasting Company by the Ukraine National Radio Symphony Orchestra.
105 tracks spanning 17 styles and 23 moods

Thomas Beck

Based in London, Thomas Beck is a composer who's had placements on BBC, NBC and many other big networks across the globe. He works in a wide range of genres, including dramatic, orchestral, classical, electronic, and ambient.
15 tracks spanning 15 styles and 27 moods

Michael Bishop

This composers biography is currently pending.
12 tracks spanning 7 styles and 13 moods

Eric Bolvin

Eric Bolvin is an award-winning California Composer/Arranger with a schedule that includes playing, writing, teaching, and producing music. As a session player and arranger, Eric has recorded over 50 CDs for A&M Records and Mesa/Blue Moon Records. He has played or recorded with Richie Cole, Dave Liebman, Dee Daniels, Wayne Bergeron, Tom Scott, Dave Weckl, and Dennis Chambers; as a composer and arranger his works have been performed by Jerry Bergonzi, Russell Ferrante, Jeff Lorber, Greg Adams and many others. Eric’s lush, soulful trumpet playing demonstrates why he was charted in 2008-2009 on Smooth Jazz Radio, playing on 85 stations nationwide and his songs and cues are currently carried by some of the industry’s top libraries and have appeared on many TV shows and networks.Please include a biography here.
95 tracks spanning 25 styles and 39 moods

Peter Cavallo

A revered Australian composer with extensive experience in orchestral scoring for film and TV. Peter is a true storyteller, meticulously weaving emotion into his work in a way that effortlessly marries with visuals and transports the listener into new realms. He has received plentiful recognition for his work including two Outstanding Production Awards and a nomination for Best Album in the Australian Music Awards. Recently nominated for Best TV Theme for this work on the Nos Youm Mini Series.
35 tracks spanning 18 styles and 32 moods

Herbie Clarke

Herbie is a guitarist and has composed music for: Cinephonix, Boom Music, Felt Music, AKM Music, Squirky Music, Gung Ho Music Group, Sky TV SATV Publishing. His music has been used on numerous productions.
22 tracks spanning 16 styles and 22 moods

Bobby Cole

3935 tracks spanning 28 styles and 33 moods

Jay Condiotti

This composer's biography is currently pending.
6 tracks spanning 12 styles and 12 moods

Gustavo Coutinho

This composer's biography is currently pending.
5 tracks spanning 1 styles and 1 moods

Neil Cross

Neil has created a vast selection of tracks in numerous genres and moods - his music is frequently licensed to film, television and commercial productions in Hollywood and worldwide. Movie credits include: Hostage (Bruce Willis), Religulous (Bill Maher), Bruno (Sasha Baron Cohen), commercials for ad agencies Saatchi & Saatchi and Mccann; numerous TV series including Shameless, CBS News, The Ellen Degeneres Show, Dateline NBC, Access Hollywood, Hell's Kitchen, Hollywood Medium, City Girl Diaries, The Kardashians, Sky Sports, Mike And Molly and The Apprentice. Neil is also available for custom scoring and music editing.
702 tracks spanning 33 styles and 45 moods
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